31 Jan 2024
Jakarta, as reported by iNews.id Makaila Haifa could be perceived by some as a normal fashion brand or brand similar to other brands. But who would have imagined that one brand might engage in social activities? Absolutely, Ling Hidah, the brand's owner, brought together some friends who were refugees from outside of Indonesia to enhance their diverse skills through the Mishka Project. Modeling, fashion styling, and photography are the areas of focus for one of them. Ling Hida with Makaila Haifa is more than just a clothing line; it gives migrants a platform to work and express themselves. Through painting designs on clothing and bags, they can express a variety of creative ideas pertaining to women's empowerment. This article has been published on www.inews.id with the title "Not Just a Fashion Brand, Makaila Haifa Helps Women in Refugee Camps ", Click to read: https://www.inews.id/lifestyle/seleb/tak-sekadar-jenama-fashion-makaila-haifa-bantu-para-perempuan-di-pengungsian.
20 Sep 2023
World Environment Day 2023: The Community Creates Fashion Products from Great Women's Works This article was posted on Lifestyle.okezone.com under the title World Environment Day 2023: The Community Creates Fashion Products from Great Women's Works https://lifestyle.okezone.com/read/2023/06/06/612/2825941/hari-lingkungan-hidup-sedunia-2023-komunitas-ini-ciptakan-produk-fashion-karya-perempuan-hebat Writer : Syifa Fauziah
20 Sep 2023
WeGotYourBack_ID and SeaSoldier Collaboration Writer : Administrator
20 Sep 2023
The Collaboration Eurekawomen with WeGotYourBack_ID Self-Positifity Booothcamp This article was published on TribunNews.com under the title The Collaboration Eurekawomen with WeGotYourBack_ID Self-Positifity Booothcamp https://www.tribunnews.com/images/editorial/view/1968457/eurekawomen-kolaborasi-dengan-wegotyourback-gelar-self-positivity-bootcamp Writer : Tribun News.com/FX Ismanto